So this is the part where I tell you about myself.
I have always known that I have a gift for helping people. I remember when I started college, I wanted to make the world a better place and fine tune my skills. I traveled the world, learned about other cultures, studied art, history and science.
I wanted to understand what made people tick and why some people are leaders and some are followers.
I completed my Master Degree in Social Work and started my career in the Mental Health field, full of passion and a true desire to make a difference in the world.
Throughout my career I have been a business owner, Director, Program Coordinator, Corporate Trainer, and have worked with clients as well as in groups. I have had personal and professional triumphs and what I thought at the time were failures. It was all part of my journey.
I know what it is like to feel the pressure of meeting deadlines, while juggling the demands of dating, relationships, family, and an active social life...all the while feeling stuck and not knowing what to do or how to get there.
After 20 years of experience in the corporate world, working for non-profit and for-profit organizations, I had an epiphany:
I remembered my WHY.
Why I love working with people, why I had chosen my career path to begin with, why every setback and success had lead me to be a better person, how every twist and turn has lead me to what I love best. Everything had lead me to the ability to work with people who are stuck in their lives to meet their full potential, to inspire others to create happier, healthier, richer, more productive lives.
That is why I left the corporate world to start Private Practice.
"Therapists have the ability to view things from afar - in what some call 'helicopter vision' and to shed new light on difficult situations. Often they can act as a sounding board to change "'
I serve people by helping them meet their full potential in all areas of their lives while achieving that healthy work/life balance.
With my unique skill set and background, I am here to help you meet your personal and professional goals by creating a life worth living. Together, we can change your life story to one of success and abundance, in every area of your life.